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Help business Bobcats build real-life skills for successful careers
OHIO's College of Business students don't just aim for a great internship or degree. They lead real-world projects, run student businesses, and travel beyond their comfort zones to build essential business skills. Give today to support these experiences that prepare Business Bobcats for lifelong success!
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View All DonorsCOB Fundraising Summary
Most Recent Donors
Chuck Ciuni
Adam Wachter
Paula Tolliver
Amelia Tetelman
Brian P Moore
Maria Johnson
Paul Reed
Allison Fillmore
Steven Swart
Alyssa DEgidio
OU Foundation Board of Trustees
President Lori Stewart Gonzalez and Randy Gonzalez
Jack and Marsha Myslenski
Susan Mitchell '83 & '92 and Bruce Mitchell '75
Randy Buck
Jennifer Young Stevens